Year 11 Exams

Year 11 Exams

Year 10 Exams

Year 10 Exams

College Photos – Catch Up Day

College Photo CATCH UP Day will take place Monday,19 February 9:00am - 12:00pm Students are required to wear their full college uniform. PLEASE REMEMBER - PAYMENT DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL 12:00PM MONDAY 19 FEBRUARY. For more information regarding the photographers please see link to their website below.

F-6 Assembly

Apologies to all our F-6 Families, we have had to cancel our scheduled assembly for Friday 1 March. Our next one will be held Friday 15 March. Hope to see you all there.

Secondary School Sports Day

Kooranowa Reserve Vincent Rd, Smithfield Plains, SA, Australia

This year the secondary sports day (Year 7-12) will be held on Thursday the 7th of March. It will be at the Munno Para Little Athletics Centre (Kooranowa Reserve, Vincent Rd, Smithfield Plains SA 5118). Students will need to find their own way to and from this location, unless organised otherwise through the school. As...

International Women’s Day

International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to...


NAPLAN - The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy is an annual assessment for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It tests skills in writing, reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy. Please follow the below link for more information. If you have any concerns, please touch base with your child's teacher and...